"Quelques Voyages extraordinaries from Jules Verne to STEM/QUEST" KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education In the partnership we try to use something innovative, namely the combination of literature elements with STEM activities, more precisely to use the novels of J. Verne to create the framework for carrying out STEM activities, to keep the students actively involved in the learning process and to help them think critically and learning by doing.In this way, students become little explorers, learning to face all the challenges that arise in their small research experience. In addition, as methods we will use the process Edukata and Flipped classroom scenario, being some of the most popular trends in education.In recent years, many studies have highlighted an alarming decline in young people’s interest for STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects. On the other hand, the result of PISA and TIMMS tests show us our current education and tight cu...